Surgical Treatment cured by Homeopathy medicine
Keep some Important Homeopathy Medicine always with you know the use for Papilloma, Fibroma, Lipoma, Ganglion, Polyps,Piles,Fissure & fistula . Homeopathy medicine treatment is totally symptomatically, I will discuss some medicine as per sign & symptom which medicine will work nicely read that, take any medicine after doctor check-up & advice. This are some list of medicine for without Surgical Treatment cured by Homeopathy medicine.
Papilloma: Benign Over growth of epithelial layer of skin, it is mostly pedunculated grown. Common sites are lip, tongue, vocal cord, rectum, kidney, urinary bladder & breast etc. Cutaneous papilloma are soft & solid, but when growth is hard then horny papilloma. Papilloma is sometimes injured to become red, swollen, ulcerated. Medicine is Staphagria, Acid Nit, Antim Crud, Causticum etc 30 to higher potency.
Fibroma: This is a tumour of a fibrous tissue. True fibroma is a rare, but when combined with other mesodermal tissue such as fat- fibroma, in muscles –fibromyoma & in nerve neuro-fibroma. Neuro-fibroma is seen in multiple numbers. It is hard or soft, painless, firm, circumscribe. Neuro-fibroma it generally not curable Medicine is Lapis Alb., Trillium, Hydrastis, Graphites, Silicea, Muriticum 30,200 or high
Lipoma: It is a tumor of the subcutaneous tissue. It is generally seen in shoulder joint, neck, back & develop intra muscular, sub-facial, sub-mucous(GI tract), sub-serous. It may be in capsulated or diffuse. Medicine Phytollocca, Flouric Acid, Bar. Carb., Lapis Alb., Cal. Carb.
Ganglion: It is seen in the dorsum of the wrist & cystic swelling containing gelatinous material & form capsule of a joint or tendon sheath. Medicine is Cal. Flour, Ruta. G.,Silicea, Thuja Oc. , Benjo. Acid 6, 30 & higer.
Polyps: Pedunculated soft tumour in the nose, uterus , rectum, intestine, It commonly mushroom or grapes like. Medicine: Calc. Carb., Formica Rufa.,Acid Nit., Phosphorus, Causticum, Sangunaria Nit. etc. 30 to higher potency.
Piles(Haemorrhoids): Varicosities of the veins of the anus. It is two types Blind & Bleeding piles and it is seen external or internal piles. Character: Bleeding, non-bleeding, painful, painless, throbbing, tenderness, burning, irritating, itching etc. In is mainly starts from habituated constipation & also can be hereditary. Medicine Nux Vom., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Arsnic. Alb., Hemaemelis, Bellodonna, Heper Sulph, Aesculius. Hip., Nat. Mur., Opium, Ratanhia, Acid. Nit., Acid. Flour. etc.
Fissure & fistula: Longitudinal passage ulcer in the anal canal or body, is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue commonly because of trauma. It is painful, bleeding & pus discharge can be seen. Medicine: Cal. Flour., Condurango, Hydrastis Can, Acid. Nit., Fluric Acid, Graphites, Ratanhia, Heper. Sulp., Silicea, Cistus Can., Nat. Mur. Etc.
But fistula is a sinus form on granulation tissue, which opens deeply in the anal canal or rectum, Lachrymal sac, Dental gum. Medicine: Cal. Flour., Fluric Acid, Cal. Sulph, Nit. Acid., Graphites, Silicea, Cal. Carb., Causticum, Mer. Sol.