Migraine headaches are one of the most common problems seen in daily practice. We will discuss about Migraine Homeopathy Medicines. A migraine is a typical periodic unilateral headache with associated disturbance of vision & sometimes nausea with vomiting & photophobia. If maybe an occipital headache, vertigo with diplopia. A typical migraine generally has two phases,
- Aura lasts 15-20 minutes. It is the disturbance of vision with glittering Zig-zag lines, curved or straight fortification. There may be hemicrania & hemianopia blotting out part of the vision & sparkling or scintillations may occur. There may be dysphasia or dysgraphia, double vision, or vertigo lasting 2-3minutes.
- Headache is contemporary with an aura. It is typically a frontal headache & spread opposite the side of the head. It is throbbing, flushing, photophobia, vomiting, or faint feelings. The pain lasts 4-48 hrs. or maybe attack prolong. There is anxiety or depression or recurring headache with vomiting, fever & stiffness of the neck.

The severity, duration & frequency of attacks vary in the individual but any movement pain is aggravated & repeated attack of headache. It is environmental & genetic factors combine to induce cerebral electrical & vascular changes. Reduce blood flow and focal cerebral activity.
Are Migraine Headaches Hereditary?
Yes, migraine headaches seem to run within families. Four out of 5 people with the condition have other family members who have them. If both parents have them, the risk jumps up to 75%.
What Can Trigger a Migraine Headache?
- Factors of attacks are sudden highlights, sun
- Mental Stress & strain- When you’re stressed & strain, the brain releases chemicals that can cause the blood vessel changes which may lead to a migraine.
- Menstruation & menopause- Hormonal changes can cause a migraine headache.
- Caffeine
- Changes in weather & climate: Storm fronts, changes in barometric pressure, strong winds, or changes in altitude can all trigger a migraine.
- Excess or poor sleep
- Alcohol- Drinking alcohol may Trigger
- Some foods- citrus fluids, cheese, chocolates & other foods.
- Salty food- some study says salty food may trigger.
- Vasodilators,
- Glaucoma
- Exercise
- Contra septic pills habits & old aged cervical spondylitis, tumours of occipital lobs, chronic nephritis etc.
Lifestyle alterations that might help reduce the frequency of migraines include:
- Get enough sleep
- Reduce mental stress
- Drinking plenty of water
- Avoid alcohol
- Avoiding certain foods
- Regular physical exercise

Know in details Migraine Homeopathy Medicines
There are multiple Homeopathy medicines for migraines & it works very effectively. Homeopathy medicines are symptomatic & very with patients- don’t take any medicine without a doctor’s check-up.
Know the list of Homeopathy medicines which used for migraines:
Anacardium, Argentum Nit., Belladonna, Coffea, Nat. Mur., Sepia, Pulsatilla, Lac. Dull., Lachesis, Gelsmium, Sanguinaria C., Spigelia, Meg. Phos., Cedron., Rhus. Tox., Guaiacum, Lacnanthes, Lac. Dflora, Ignatia, Cimicifuga, Nux. Vom., Canabis Indica etc.