Cough & Cold with fever

Most common Homeopathy Medicine treatment for general Cough & Cold with fever. Homeopathy Treatment is symptomatic for every individual, according to symptoms medicine will be given. take any medicine after doctor check-up & advice.

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Cough,cold, Fever-Homeopathy Treatment

  1. Aconite Napellus 6 or 30 Potency- Any acute disease comes suddenly & violently. To much restless & fear, anxiety, agony, fear of death. give repeated dose 2-3 times 
  2. Allium cepa 3 or 6 Potency – Acute cattarrhal inflammation, Profuse watery & acrid nasal discharge & bland lachrymation 
  3. Antimonium Tatraricum 6 or 30 potency- Loud rattling sound & large collection of mucous but little expectoration with cough. Thirstless but thirst for little cold water or often. Desire for apple’s , fruits. Aversion to milk & tobacco. Patient feel better on expectoration, seating up, open cold air & aggravate on lying down at night & damp cold weather.
  4. Bryonia 30, 200 potency- Dryness of mucous membrane that is mouth, tongue, throat,laryanx, trachea, nose, lips, respiratory etc. White or yellowish coated dry tougue with too much thrust for large quantity of cold water at long interval. Worse from slightest motion & amelioration or better on rest. Stitching pain & hard dry large stole. Dry cough & cold from summer or exposure of cold wind. Better lying on painful side or absolute rest. 
  5. Rhus Toxicodendron 30, 200, 1M potency-  Very restless & Chilly patients. Tenderness of body, joint, ligaments, muscle, gout & rheumatic pain. Aggravate in damp, rainy weather & night. Patient gets relief from pain by changing his position or on walk. Intermittent fever. Vascular eruption of skin.
  6. Belladonna 6, 30, 200 potency- Red face & eyes. Throbbing, redness of carotids, heat & burning, fever & colic pain comes suddenly & goes suddenly, headache, painful larynx. High fever with delirium & no thrust. Boils or abscess readies, throbbing & sensitive on tough. Repeated dose in acute disease. In high fever, low potency is very useful with Ferrum phosphoricum 6x biochemic medicine with interval. 
  7. Arsenicum Iodatum 6,30 potency- Sneezing with watery, thin, irritating, excoriating discharge from nose & eyes. 
  8. Arsenicum Album 30, 200 potency- Burning pain, relief by heat, get fear of death & anxiety. All  aggravate on night & better on warm drinks. To much restlessness, skin eruption suppressed causes asthma. Diarrhea is very offensive & watery stole with vomiting aggravate on night.  
  9. Dulcamara 30- Fever, cough & cold with fever exposure to cold wet rainy weather. Catarrhat condition of the nose, there is profused watery discharge & loss rattling cough, coryza of new born baby. stool is greenish, watery, undigested food substance with mucous. rash may be seen. 
  10. Heper Sulphuris 6, 30, 200 potency- Patient is great over sensitive both physically & mentally. Slightest little injury, tendency to suppurates, even abscess. Chilly & irritable patients can’t bear to be uncovered. Dry croupy, choking, rattling cough. Boils & abscess in lower potency easily supurates & open & heal-up quickly but higher potency may abort suppuration.
  11. Ipeacac 30, 200 potency- It can cure continuous, persistent nausea & vomiting. Tongue is clean but no thrust. Sneezing, coryza, wheezling, suffocative cough felling of constriction. Bleeding from lungs, bright red blood. 


Written By- Dr. Biplab Kr, Ghosh Mondal

Mob: +91 9830530696

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