

Chikungunya Chikungunya is an infection caused by the chikungunya virus, Chikungunya virus spreads through biting of Ades aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito.  Mainly Ades mosquito bites in day time. This is  viral infection can’t spread directly by one people to other. Mosquito generally transmit the disease by biting an infected person & then bite anyone. Read more…


Stroke A stroke is a brain attack. A stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is poor or cut off. A stroke is a medical emergency. Prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can minimize brain damage and potential complications. Read more…



Malaria Malaria occur in human being due to bite of female Anopheline mosquitoes. Human gets malaria mainly after feeding of human blood by a infected mosquito. Incubation period: 10-20days or months. It has 4 varieties that is plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malaria, Plasmodium ovale & Plasmodium falciparum.  Onset:  Fever continuous or Read more…



Syncope/Fainting Partial or complete loss of consciousness with interruption of awareness of oneself and ones surroundings. When the loss of consciousness is temporary and there is spontaneous recovery, it is referred to as syncope & it’s also know as fainting. Syncope is due to a temporary reduction in blood flow(cerebral ischemia) and Read more…

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain Common Cause of Abdomen Pain: Food Poisoning: Food poisoning is the result of eating contaminated, spoiled, or toxic food or water. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Food poisoning symptoms: Symptoms can vary depending on the source of the infection. -Diarrhoea & Read more…