Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal a well-known dentist discussed the recovery of the tooth- Before and After Root canal treatment. He said today’s Root Canal Treatment or RCT procedure has become far less painful through the use of modern instruments & technology. He said the Prognosis or Success rate of RCT, mainly depends upon 3 factors, it’s- 1) Proper Case Selection & proper treatment planning, 2) Dedication to the treatment procedure & 3) Proper Maintenance.
After Completing the RCT procedure, the placement of the Dental Crown or Cap is essential, if you won’t use a Dental crown then the tooth can become fractured, which can cause RCT failure.
What is a Root Canal Treatment or RCT?
It is an endodontic procedure of going inside the pulp space by which the inflamed pulp is removed, the surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed with a sealant material, to relieve pain caused by an infected tooth or infected underlined tooth structure.

Dr. Anuran said he usually took at least two sitting at a few day intervals, if the infection is more then he takes additional few days & few sittings to get recover. If all the procedures are done properly then the prognosis- Before and After Root canal treatment can be good.
Common Indication of Root Canal Treatment or RCT:
- Deep dental caries or loss of tooth structure due to tooth attrition, erosion when reached Pulp, causes Infected or inflamed Pulp
- Fracture of the tooth due to trauma
- Perio-endo lesson, it’s Infection to the inner part of the tooth, Gingiva, Connective tissue & supporting structure
- Intentional RCT, Commonly for Prosthetic to make Crown or Cap & bridge preparation.
- Tooth discoloration for tooth Veneering

Before Bad Case selection & Planning- After Root canal treatment poor recovery:
Bad Cases & bad treatment planning can cause after root canal treatment the poor recovery. List of cases he avoids:
- Grossly dental caries or loss of tooth structure tooth crown is missing
- The fracture of the tooth reached to root after checking & following the Ellis Classification
- Major Periodontal diseases, tooth mobility & bone loss
- Proper treatment planning, Calculating the physical stress-bearing area & capacity of load taking depends/ compearing upon other remaining teeth, etc.

Proper Maintenance After Root Canal Treatment:
- After Completing the RCT procedure, the placement of the Dental Crown or Cap is essential, if you won’t use a Dental crown then the tooth can become fractured & can cause RCT failure. There are 3 types of Dental Crowns commonly used, it’s Metal Crown, Metal Ceramic Crown & all Ceramic Crowns.
- Maintain proper oral health & keep healthy gum. Gum disease can cause RCT failure. At least try to get scaling treatment once a time in every year, which keeps healthy gums.
- Don’t give excessive pressure to RCT treated tooth. Before and After Root canal treatment proper care is very important.
Root Canal Treatment or RCT is it very Painful?
It is not very painful, but it is a little bit time consuming than other regular treatments. Commonly only first-day local anesthesia is used to anesthetize. Generally, the first day of RCT is a little bit painful.
Conclusion Before and After Root canal treatment:
- With the help of Root Canal Treatment or RCT, we can save the tooth, you can eat properly & it helps esthetic.
- After successful treatment of RCT, you should use a tooth crown.
- Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal said the Prognosis or Success rate of RCT, mainly depends upon 3 factors, Proper Case Selection & proper treatment planning. Dedication to the treatment procedure
- After completing the RCT regular maintenance- cleaning and scaling are also very important for RCT success.