Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal well-known dentist discussed the complete RCT treatment procedure & its success rate. He said after Root Canal Crown is very necessary, if you won’t use a Dental Crown then the remaining tooth structure can get fractured, which may cause RCT failure. He said the Prognosis or Success rate of RCT, mainly depends upon 3 factors, it’s- 1) Proper Case Selection & proper treatment planning, 2) Dedication to the treatment procedure & 3) Proper Maintenance.

What is a Root Canal Treatment or RCT?

It is an endodontic procedure of going inside the pulp space by which the inflamed pulp is removed by the Endodontic Instruments, the surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed with a sealant material, to relieve pain caused by an infected tooth or infected underlined tooth structure.

Why After Root Canal Crown is Necessary?

When we perform RCT in a tooth, the Pulp is removed, the Pulp contains Nerve & Blood vessels, and after that tooth becomes dead. Generally, pulp gives nutrition to the tooth, when we remove the pulp the nutrition of the tooth is stopped. So after RCT tooth becomes brittle & tooth can easily fracture. At this time Dental Crown add support to the tooth which helps to protect the tooth from getting damaged. That way After Root Canal Crown placement is very essential.

What is a Dental Crown or Dental Cap?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped prosthetics designed to cover a damaged tooth in a fixed position, “crowns or caps” that can be placed over the tooth. A dental crown can strengthen the tooth, improving its overall appearance and alignment in the mouth. The dental crown is cemented into place on your tooth and it covers the visible portion of the tooth.

Several Factors are important to consider when choosing a dental crown, including:

  • Cost
  • Esthetic
  • Strength
  • Durability

After Root Canal Crown different types which all commonly used:

  • Ceramic or Porcelain Crown: Zirconia or lithium disilicate- has good strength, It the more esthetic, You can get a Tooth color matching crown. Zirconia crown is the most costly among the other dental crown.
  • Metals Crown: Gold- or silver-based alloys, titanium, or stainless steel- has good strength, You cannot get a Tooth color matching crown
  • Metal-ceramic or PFM Crown: porcelain fused to a metal framework- has good strength, You can get a Tooth color-matching crown.
  • Composite resin, similar to that used in dental fillings: has poor strength than other crowns. It’s the Cheapest among all dental crowns.

What all the procedures of Dental crown:

  • Initial Exam
  • Tooth Preparation
  • Impressions and Crown Fabrication
  • Crown Fixation or cementation
  • Proper care

Root Canal Treatment & Crown preparation is it very Painful?

It is not very painful, but it is a little bit time consuming than other regular treatments. Commonly only first-day local anesthesia is used to anesthetize. Generally, the first day of RCT is a little bit painful. All procedure has become far less painful through the use of modern instruments & technology.

Proper Maintenance After Root Canal Treatment:

  • After Completing the RCT procedure, the placement of the Dental Crown or Cap is essential, if you won’t use a Dental crown then the tooth can become fractured & can cause RCT failure. There are 3 types of Dental Crowns commonly used, it’s Metal Crown, Metal Ceramic Crown & all Ceramic Crowns.
  • Maintain proper oral health & keep healthy gum. Gum disease can cause RCT failure. At least try to get scaling treatment once a time in every year, which keeps healthy gums.
  • Don’t give excessive pressure to RCT treated tooth. Before and After Root canal treatment proper care is very important.

How long does a root canal last without a Crown?

At the time of RCT Pulp is removed; generally, the pulp gives nutrition to the tooth, but when we remove the pulp the nutrition of the tooth is stopped. So after RCT tooth becomes brittle & tooth can easily fracture. If we use a Dental Crown adds support to the tooth which helps to protect the tooth from getting damaged. So after RCT, if you won’t use a crown then excess pressure can damage the tooth which can lead to RCT failure.

Why wait two weeks after the root canal for Crown?

As a dentist Dr. Anuran usually waits for 10 days to two weeks to observe the RCT, to check if any infection is forming again.

What happens if you don’t get a crown after a root canal?

At the time of RCT Pulp is removed; the pulp gives nutrition to the tooth, but when we remove the pulp the nutrition of the tooth is stopped. So after RCT tooth becomes brittle & tooth can easily fracture. If we use a Dental Crown adds support to the tooth which helps to protect the tooth from getting damaged. So after RCT, if you won’t use a crown then excess pressure can damage the tooth which can lead to RCT failure.

Why wait two weeks after the root canal for Crown?

As a dentist Dr. Anuran usually waits for 10 days to two weeks to observe the RCT, to check if any infection is forming again.

Can you eat after a root canal without crown?

After RCT if you won’t use a crown, then excess pressure can damage the tooth which can lead to RCT failure. So after RCT if you won’t use a crown, then eat soft food, and don’t give excess pressure.

How long does a root canal last without a Crown?

At the time of RCT Pulp is removed; generally, the pulp gives nutrition to the tooth, but when we remove the pulp the nutrition of the tooth is stopped. So after RCT tooth becomes brittle & tooth can easily fracture. If we use a Dental Crown adds support to the tooth which helps to protect the tooth from getting damaged. So after RCT, if you won’t use a crown then excess pressure can damage the tooth which can lead to RCT failure.

Root Canal Treatment & Crown preparation is it very Painful?

It is not very painful, but it is a little bit time consuming than other regular treatments. Commonly only first-day local anesthesia is used to anesthetize. Generally, the first day of RCT is a little bit painful. All procedure has become far less painful through the use of modern instruments & technology.


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