Diabetes Mellitus

Generally Diabetes referred to diabetes mellitus, it is a condition that causes higher blood sugar level for a person, prolonged period. Serious long-term complications can be including cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, nerve damage, damage to the eyes and foot ulcers etc. Normally, the pancreas releases insulin it regulates blood sugar level, Diabetes is a condition characterized by the body’s inability to regulate glucose (sugar) levels in blood. This is one of the major health problem affected in our community.

Classification of Diabetes Mellitus:

1)Primary Diabetes

  • Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or “juvenile diabetes” – Type 1 diabetes
  • Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)- Type 2 diabetes

2) Secondary Diabetes

  • Pancreatitis
  • Hormones & Endocrine abnormality – Cushing syndrome, acromegaly etc
  • Drug induced
  • Genetic Syndromes

Type 1 Diabetes – It considers as an autoimmune disorder, here body does not produce enough insulin. Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases are type 1. The cause is unknown. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age.

Type 2 Diabetes – The body produce doesn’t enough insulin for proper function, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly. In worldwide approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes are of this type. It can occur any age but this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people.

Gestational diabetes- It is the third main form, and occurs when pregnant women without a history of diabetes develop high blood sugar levels. The maximum gestational diabetes can control their diabetes with exercise and diet.



Diabetes Symptoms:

Symptoms may develop rapidly (within weeks or months) for type 1 Diabetes, on other side types 2 Diabetes usually develop much more slowly than type 1.
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The classic symptoms of untreated diabetes are-

  • Polyuria (increased urination)
  • Polydipsia (increased thirst)
  • Polyphagia (increased hunger)
  • Weight loss

Other Symptoms can be feeling very tired, fatigue, tooth gum disease, ulcer, slower wounds healing, blurred vision, tingling or numbness in the feet or toes & skin itching etc.

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Risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus :
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Diabetes & Oral Care


Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus :
  • Maintain proper Diet, Avoid unhealthy food
  • Exercise & Physical activity
  • Maintain proper Oral Health- To know how to main oral health, CLICK HERE
  • Maintain your proper body weight
  • Try to reduce your mental stress
  • Maintain proper lifestyle

Blood test– glucose Level, plasma glucose test, Oral glucose tolerance test, Glycosylated hemoglobin or hemoglobin A1c. Fasting plasma glucose test at least 126 mg/dl means diabetes, between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl means prediabetes & less than 100 mg/dl means normal.

Diabetes Diagnosis

Diabetes Diagnosis

Management & Treatment Diabetes Mellitus:

If you are a diabetic take the doctor opinion, don’t neglect it, visit doctor & follow the advice. Treatment of type 1 diabetes involves multiple daily injections of insulin. Many different types of medicine are available to help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, commonly given orally. Sulfonylureas, Biguanides, Meglitinides, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, Thiazolidinediones etc. are the available medicine, visit doctor & follow his/her advice.

Homeopathy medicine for Diabetes: Arg. Met., Acetic Acid., Belladonna, Helleborus, Lycopodium, Eup. Purp., Acid Phos., Equisetum, Krejote, Nat. Mur., Acid Nit., Lecithin, Sulphur, Eranium Nit., Pancreatinum, Chimaphimla Unb, Chionanthus, Syzyjeum Jam., Ignatia, Nat. Sulph, Uriea, Moschus, Tincture, lower & higher potency. The Bio-medicine is Nat. Sulph, Kali Phos., Kali Mur. 6X or 12X, Medicine will be according to the Sign & Symptoms.

exercise regularly

Exercise & increase physical activity

Some Foods can help to Control Diabetes & other complications:

  • Cinnamon
  • Leafy green- Broccoli, Spinach, Kale & Beans etc.
  • Apple
  • Olive oil
  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal
  • Almonds, walnuts & nuts
  • Fatty Fish & Egg
  • Cranberries
  • Aloe vera- It is on preliminary research stages, has shown a good effect that Aloe vera can help reduce cholesterol, it also helps in maintaining blood sugar.

Take the healthy proper diet, need to pay attention to some of your food choices-most notably the carbohydrates you eat, can take Fiber-rich foods. Maintain proper Lifestyle, exercise, maintain oral health & maintain proper body weight etc. To know about balance diet-Click here


Diabetes is one of the major health problem affected in our community. It can cause cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, nerve damage, damage to the eyes and foot ulcers. So try to prevent it, Prevention is better then Cure.


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