Lower Back pain Or Lumbago

Back pain can be divided into neck pain (cervical), middle back pain (thoracic), lower back pain(lumbar). In this article i will discuss on Lower Back ache Or Lumbago. It is most common pain in the lumbo-sacral area of the back region of spine, as it supports most of the weight in the upper body. Degenerative changes occur in lumber region of the spine, involving both or one side of sacrum & iliac crest. Back pain can originate from the muscles, bones, nerves, joints or from other structures in the spine. Internal structures such as the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and  aorta may also cause radiates in the back.

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Lower Back Pain & Lumbago - Causes & risk factor

Lower Back Pain & Lumbago – Causes & risk factor

Onset: Sudden or gradual – dull or severe pain, localized to lower side of lumbo-sacral area.

Cause or Etiology:

  • In young women sudden sprain due to tear of fibreas of the interspine, lumbo-sacral or sacro-iliac ligament due to sudden fall, trauma, twisting strain, or lifting a heavy weight or pregnancy in late stage, heavy or fatty weight of men or women.
  • Where is dull backache due to various cause degeneration of intra-vertebral disc or Sciatic nerves pain or muscles.
  • It can be because of sudden attack of sneezing, coughing or laughing.
  • Sudden severe or spontaneous or recurring pain lumbro-sacral region due to ostro-artharitis, spondylitis, cartcinoma, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, ankylosing, spinal tumor, malignant in pelvis organ, myelomatosis etc.

Risk factors: 

  • Age
  • Obesity.
  • Pregnancy
  • Moderate, sedentary lifestyle. 
  • Hard work, Long time standing activity
  • Lack of physical activity can increase a person’s risk of back pain
  • Smoke


  • Radio-logical examination reduced inter-vertebral disc space or narrowing or disc space, loss of lumber lodosis
  • C T Scan or MRI
  • Myelography may be required.


  • Maintain a healthy body weight, don’t increase body weight much
  • Exercise
  • Build muscle strength and flexibility
  • Stand properly, seat properly, don’t lift access weight & lift weight properly


  • Comfortable seating position on bed rest 3-4wks.
  • Infra-red rays, radiant heat & help of diathermy.
  • Muscle relaxants, surgical treatment where as neurological deficit.
  • Exercises on expert opinion by physiotherapist. 
  • Medicinal treatment will be symptomatic. Homeopathy medicine are Actea spicata, Agaricus muscrius, Agnus castus, Arnica Mont, Rhus Tox., Medorrihinum, Hypericum, Lachesis, Thuja Oc., Ruta G.,Mag. phos, Syphillinum, Staphisagria, Led. Pal., Pulsatilla, Berb. Vul., Cal. Flour., Gnaphalium, Belledona, Phytolocca, Dulcamara, Helonias etc. 

Written By: Dr. Biplab Kr. Ghosh Mondal, Howrah

Mob: +91 9830530696

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/, Thank you so much for reference.


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