Important Homeopathy Medicine

Keep some Important Homeopathy Medicine when going out for any tour or vacation, where you may not get medicine or in home. Homoeopathy medicine treatment is totally symptomatically, I will discuss some medicine on which symptom which medicine will work nicely read that, take any medicine after doctor check-up & advice.

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Important Homeopathy Medicine

Stool, Diarrhea, Flatulence & Acidity Some Important Homeopathy Medicine :

  1. Acidity & nausea, vomiting generally in the morning, after eating sour taste. Can’t bear light, irritable, noises, odours, headache, belching, want to vomit, patient feel chillness. Frequent ineffectual urging with pain & soft stool. Temporary relief pain after stool. Constant uneasiness in the rectum. Obstinate constipation & Diarrhea alternate in the patient. Heaviness in upper abdomen- give Nux Vomica 30 0r 200 potency
  2. Diarrhoea during tooth eruption, morning, hot summer weather -painless, profuse, fetid, gushing, greenish & watery stool. Prolapse of the rectum- give Podophyllum 6 0r 30 potency
  3. Mainly in children Irritable, angry, sensitive & thirsty. when child crying or irritable- child quite only when taken on lap. the stool is hot, offensive, greenish, during dentition & intolerable colic pain- Chamomilla 12 or 30
  4. Diarrhea acute or chronic, mainly in night, undigested, painless, flatulence, debilitating sweat. Gall stone colic. Painful on slight touch but relived by hard pressure on abdomen- give China or Cinchona Officinalis 30 or 200 potency
  5.  Weak digestion, excessive flatulence, constructive pain extending to chest, with distention of abdomen, relief from belching & passing flatus, frequent, involuntary cadaverous smelling stool with burning rectum, patient want’s to keep the cloths loss around abdomen- give Carbo Vegetabilis 30 potency
  6. Yellow, watery, profuse, urging, forcible shot out Diarrhea. Sudden gushing evacuation- Give Croton Tiglium 6 or 30 potency
  7. Mainly in Diarrhea patient has to hurry to closet, early in morning or immediately after food- give Aloe Socotrina 30 or 200 potency
  8. Whitish mucous, bloody, very offensive stool. Cutting, colic & tenesmus, not relief after stool. Worse at night in warm room & bed- Give Merc. Sol 30 or 6 potency
  9. Constipation during pain in rectum, thick yellowish, ropy expectoration, tongue imprint of teeth, bitter taste- Give Hydratis Can. Q, 6 or 30
  10. Mainly for Constipation of nursing children & old people, difficult to evacuate. Dry, hard, knotty, mucous stool- Give Alumina 30 potency
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For Cough, cold & Fever, Some Important Homeopathy Medicine:

  1. Any acute disease comes suddenly any violently with restlessness repeated dose 2-3times in small interval -Give Aconite Napellus 6 or 30 potency
  2. Profused  watery & acrid nasal discharge & bland lachrymation – Allium cepa 3 or 6 Potency
  3. Very restless & Chilly patients. Tenderness of body, joint, ligaments, muscle, gout & rheumatic pain. Aggravate in damp, rainy weather & night. Patient gets relief from pain by changing his position or on walk. Intermittent fever- Rhus Toxicodendron 30, 200, 1M potency
  4. Winter catarrh- blockage of nose mainly last night, difficult to breathing, feel suffocating, breathing through mouth, epistaxis after washing hand & face. Aggravate in cold or wet weather- give Ammonium Carb 30 potency
  5. Dryness of mucous membrane that is mouth, tongue, throat,laryanx, trachea, nose, lips, respiratory etc. White or yellowish coated dry tougue with too much thrust for large quantity of cold water at long interval. Worse from slightest motion & amelioration or better on rest. Stitching pain & hard dry large stole. Dry cough & cold from summer or exposure of cold wind. Better lying on painful side or absolute rest- Bryonia 30, 200 potency
  6. Red face & eyes. Throbbing, redness of carotids, heat & burning, fever & colic pain comes suddenly & goes suddenly, headache, painful larynx. High fever with delirium & no thrust. Boils or abscess readies, throbbing & sensitive on tough. Repeated dose in acute disease. In high fever, low potency is very useful with Ferrum phosphoricum 6x biochemic medicine with interval- Belladonna 6, 30, 200 potency
  7. In children can’t bear of touching & irritated, tongue is thickly milky white coated – Antimonium Crudum 30 or 6   
  8. Take Loud rattling sound & large collection of mucous but little expectoration with cough. Thirstless but thirst for little cold water or often. Desire for apple’s , fruits. Aversion to milk & tobacco. Patient feel better on expectoration, seating up, open cold air & aggravate on lying down at night & damp cold weather take Antimonium Tatraricum 6 or 30 potency
  9. Fever, cough & cold with fever exposure to cold wet rainy weather. Catarrhat condition of the nose, there is profused watery discharge & loss rattling cough, coryza of new born baby. stool is greenish, watery, undigested food substance with mucous. rash may be seen-Dulcamara 30
  10. Burning pain, relief by heat & anxiety. All  aggravate on night & better on warm drinks. To much restlessness, Bronchitis & asthma-  Arsenicum Album 30, 200 potency
  11. Sneezing with watery, thin, irritating, excoriating discharge from nose & eyes- Arsenicum Iodatum 6,30 potency.

Written By- Dr. Biplab Kr, Ghosh Mondal


Sham Sharma · February 21, 2018 at 3:47 PM

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Rabin dutta · June 21, 2018 at 5:03 PM

Is there any medicine for gastrointestinal reflux please inform .my what’s app no 9434014295 .RABIN Dutta

    admin · June 22, 2018 at 12:20 AM

    Ok.. I will try to write on this topics….

Shamsul haque · July 17, 2018 at 7:03 AM

Biochemic ঔষধ সমন্ধে বিস্তারিত জানালে উপকৃত হবো !

    admin · July 17, 2018 at 11:56 AM

    Thank you.. Thik ache.. ami amra bisod a janabar chesta korbo…

Lalit · July 22, 2018 at 6:54 PM

It’s good knowledge.

Debabrata Acharya · July 22, 2018 at 9:54 PM

Dear sir i m Debabrata Acharya from SAMBALPUR odisa beg to inform you that I am a chronic patient having ear infection in my left ear since last 15 yrs so can u help me from recover from this disease

    admin · July 23, 2018 at 10:45 PM

    details history & complete check-up indicated…

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