Important Homeopathy Medicine for cuts-burns-trauma & wounds
Keep some Important Homeopathy Medicine for cuts-burns-trauma & wounds when going out for any tour or vacation, where you may not get medicine or in home. Homeopathy medicine treatment is totally symptomatically, I will discuss some medicine on with sign & symptom which medicine will work nicely, read that take any medicine after doctor check-up & advice.
Important Homeopathy Medicine for cuts-burns-trauma & wounds:
- Any sprain, bruised, sore, or any injuries from trauma any feeling all body as if beaten. Any injuries prevent suppurative & septic conditions and promote absorption. Pain in heart. When lying on the bed seems too hard – Give Arnica Montana Potency 30,200 & 1M and use mother tincture (Q) for external use where there are no cuts or wounds. In chronic symptoms given higher potency is a much excellent result. For angina pain, Arnica Montana Potency 30 is seen as a very good result, in preventing heart attacks.
- Give Calendula Officinalis-Q/potency/ointment: Homeopathic great antiseptic & promotes healing medicine. where clean, surgical cuts or lacerated or suppurative wounds, bed sore, burns, abscess or Carbuncle. Generally rapid healing in nature. external & internal use gives excellent results of mother tinctur (Q). Worse from damp, cloudy weather.
- Any punctured wounds from sharp, pointed instrument, nails, owls or rat bites, particularly if the wounded parts are cold- Give Ledum Palustre Potency 30
- Any injury involving nerves by bites animals. Prevents lock-jaw of tetanus. Mechanical injuries of spinal cord, coccyx injury, neurites, crawling in hands & feet. Puncture wounds give Hypericum-Q, 30 or 200 potency
- For any burns & scalds, insects bits, vasicular eruptions,burning & raw sensation use-Cantharides 30 & external use in burns Cantharides mother tinctur (Q) dilute with cold water.
- Injuries from sharp cutting instruments and post surgical operations give Staphysagria Potency 30 or 200
- Septicaemia, painful swelling of joints, tendons, ligaments & muscles. Aggrevatated from cold, wet or rainy weather, better from walking and motion-Give Rhus Toxicodenron potency 30, 200 & higher.
- Injuries & bruised feeling whole body any pain in periosteum & bones give Ruta Gravaolens Potency 30,200 & mother tinctur Q
- Pain in periosteum & any non-union of fracture give- Symphytum 30, 200 & higher,mother tinctur Q
- Any ulcer, vesicular & pustular eruption with yellowish & brownish crust & offensive discharge or abscess, when suppuration has set in with intense pain at night, not relief by either hit or cold- Give Mercurius Sol 30 potency. Mercurius Sol helps to dry any cuts, wounds & ulcer. This are the List of Important Homeopathy Medicine for cuts-burns-trauma & wounds.
Written by- Dr. Biplab Kr. Ghosh Mondal
Mob- +91 9830530696
Rajiv Sardana · March 10, 2018 at 12:54 AM
Can you please suggest remedy for healing of Diabetic Foot. Thanks.
admin · March 10, 2018 at 12:10 PM
ok.. We will discuss on this topic..