There are different types of marketing strategies used in the Healthcare industry- it’s Traditional marketing, Offline Marketing & Online marketing to promote their services. Learn how to Get More Patients in your Clinic- Starting a clinic is not enough, follow some Strategies to get more patients in your clinic. Learn a successful Marketing Strategy in the Healthcare industry- Many doctors know how to treat a patient, but they don’t know how to promote their service. Learn about different Marketing strategies used in the Healthcare industry & Learn about Healthcare Marketing Funnel.

marketing in Healthcare

Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal will share his experience of patients behavior & he will say about his experience of different marketing strategy which is used in healthcare & their effectiveness. Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal is a Dentist and working in West Bengal for the past 7 years in this market.

Every day so many people they use online to find different service providers name, information & even they notice the online presence, review of any service providers. We are creating a web page & also enlisting the business in our Medical local business directory page. Create a Business web page it may help you make a brand of your clinic, by which you may get more patients in your clinic.

Learn Successful Marketing Strategy in Healthcare Final

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