Spandan Dental Cure, Hatibagan, Shyambazar- Dentist- Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal (has more than 10 yrs Experience), located Beside Arsalan Restaurant, Hatibagan, Shyambazar, Kolkata
Address: 32/ A Shayampukur Street, Kolkata, It's located Beside Arsalan Restaurant, Hatibagan
This is the Second branch of Spandan Dental Cure, Shibpur Howrah- It's one of the most Popular Dental Clinic in the locality.
Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal is the owner of this organization- Its Dental Clinic branch at Hatibagan, Shyambazar, Kolkata. All kind of Dental Treatment done here by Specialist/ Experienced Doctors.
Dr. Anuran Ghosh Mondal is the Ex-surgeon of Howrah District Hospital. He has more than 10 years working experience.
All Types of Dental Treatment Done Here.
If you want to get treatment then Call: 9432580313 and Book Appointment