Know in details about Homeopathy Medicines for Stool, Diarrhoea & Acidity:

keep all the listed homeopathy medicine with you; take any medicine after the doctor's check-up & advice.

Nux Vomica: 

Acidity & nausea, vomiting generally in the morning, after eating sour taste. Can’t bear light, irritable, noises, odors, headache, belching, want to vomit, the patient feels chillness. Frequent ineffectual urging with pain & soft stool. Temporary relief pain after stool. Constant uneasiness in the rectum. Obstinate constipation & Diarrhea alternate in the patient. Heaviness in the upper abdomen. 

Carbo Vegetabilis: 

Weak digestion, excessive flatulence, constructive pain extending to the chest, with distention of the abdomen, relief from belching & passing flatus, frequent, involuntary cadaverous smelling stool with the burning rectum, a patient wants to keep the clothes loss around the abdomen. 

Merc. Sol:

Whitish mucous, bloody, very offensive stool. Cutting, colic & tenesmus, not relief after stool. Worse at night in a warm room & bed. 

China or Cinchona Officinalis 

Diarrhoea acute or chronic, mainly at the night, undigested, painless, flatulence, debilitating sweat. Gallstone colic. Painful on slight touch but relieved by hard pressure on the abdomen. Always keep Useful Homeopathy Medicines with you. 

Hydrastis Can. :

Constipation during pain in the rectum, thick yellowish, ropy expectoration, tongue imprint of teeth, bitter taste. 

Aloe Socotrina :

Mainly in Diarrhea patient has to hurry to the closet, early in the morning or immediately after food. 


Diarrhoea during tooth eruption, morning, hot summer weather -painless, profuse, fetid, gushing, greenish & watery stool. Prolapse of the rectum.