Homeopathy Medicine for Cut, Burn, Trauma & Wound

'Always Keep those with you, take any medicine after doctor check-up & advice

Arnica Montana Potency 30,200 & 1M 

Arnica Montana Potency 30,200 & 1M 

Any sprain, bruised, sore, or any injuries from trauma any feeling all body as if beaten. Any injuries prevent suppurative & septic conditions and promote absorption.

Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana

Mother tincture for external use where there are no cuts or wounds. In chronic symptoms higher potency shows excellent result. For angina pain, Arnica 30 is seen as a very good result, can prevent heart attacks.

Arnica  Mother tincture for external use where there are no cuts or wounds. In chronic symptoms higher potency shows excellent result. For angina pain, Arnica 30 is seen as a very good result, can prevent heart attacks.

Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana

Mother tincture for external use where there are no cuts or wounds. In chronic symptoms higher potency shows excellent result. For angina pain, Arnica 30 is seen as a very good result, can prevent heart attacks.

great antiseptic & promotes healing medicine. where clean, surgical cuts or lacerated or suppurative wounds, bed sore, burns, abscess or Carbuncle. Generally rapid healing in nature. external & internal use gives excellent results of mother tinctur (Q). 

Calendula Officinalis-Q/potency/ointment 

Ledum Palustre

Any punctured wounds from sharp, pointed instrument, nails, owls or rat bites, particularly if the wounded parts are cold

Rhus Toxicodenron potency 30, 200

Septicaemia, painful swelling of joints, tendons, ligaments & muscles. Aggrevatated from cold, wet or rainy weather, better from walking and motion 

Ruta Gravaolens Potency 30,200 & mother tinctur Q 

Injuries & bruised feeling whole body any pain in periosteum & bones 

Mercurius Sol 30 potency 

ulcer, vesicular & pustular eruption with yellowish & brownish crust & offensive discharge or abscess, when suppuration has set in with intense pain at night, not relief by either hit or cold .  It helps to dry any cuts, wounds & ulcer. 

Cantharides mother tinctur (Q) dilute with cold water 

For any burns & scalds, insects bits, vasicular eruptions,burning & raw sensation use-Cantharides 30 & external use

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