Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing infectious diseases; vaccination helped to worldwide eradication of smallpox and the elimination of diseases such as measles, polio, and tetanus in a grater extension from the world.
HepatitisB(HepB): Ideally the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, the second at 1–2 months, the third at 4 months (if needed), and the last at 6–18 months. Child needs 3–4 doses of hepatitis B vaccine.
For Tetanus,Diphtheria, and Whooping cough-Pertussis two types of vaccine is available- DTaP & Tdap vaccines.
Usually DTaP vaccine administered 5 doses. The first dose is given at 2 months, the second at 4 months, the third at 6 months, the fourth at 15–18 months, and the fifth at 4–6 years.
Tdap is a booster immunization given at age 11 that offers continued protection from those diseases for adolescents and adults.
Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib): child needs 3–4 doses of Hib vaccine, depending on the brand of vaccine. The first dose is given at 2 months, the second at 4 months, the third at 6 months (if needed), and the last at 12–15 months.
Hepatitis A(HepA): child needs 2 doses of hepatitis A vaccine. The first dose is given at age 1 year and the second 6–12 months later.
Polio(IPV): Child needs 4 doses of polio vaccine (IPV). The first dose is given at 2 months, the second at 4 months, the third at 6–18 months, and the fourth at 4–6 yearsMeasles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): Child needs 2 doses of MMR vaccine. The first dose is given at 12–15 months and the second at 4–6 years.
Influenza(Flu): The flu vaccine is recommended for children 6 months and older. Some children younger than age 9 years need 2 doses. Ask your doctor if your child needs more than 1 dose.
Pneumococcal (PCV): child needs 4 doses of Pneumococcal (PCV). The first dose is given at 2 months, the second at 4 months, the third at 6 months, and the fourth at 12–15 months. Some children also need a dose of Pneumovax vaccine (PPSV). Ask your doctor if your child needs this extra protection against pneumococcal disease.
Rotavirus (RV):First dose is given at 2 months, the second at 4 months, and depending upon the brand sometime the third is needed at 6 months.Chickenpox (Varicella): Needs 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine. The first dose is given at 12–15 months and the second at 4–6 years
This is the common vaccines usually which all are prescribed, ask your doctor & follow his instructions. There are so many a vaccination is available.